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Test Kit Shipping
Test kits typically ship out within 48 hours from when the order was placed. Kits are shipped out via FedEx Ground and usually arrive within 2-4 business days. If you need a kit sent out more quickly, please contact your Account Manager.
Kits are billed when they are sent from our warehouse. Payment will be collected per the terms of your contract.
We partner with
- Travalab ( for mobile phlebotomy and
- AnyLabTestNow (, which has 230+ locations across the country.
There are some remote areas where our partners do not service. When entering a kit order for a patient, a pop-up message will appear on screen if this is the case. Please note, we can try to help arrange phlebotomy in these locations, but depending on where the patient is located, we may not be able to offer phlebotomy services. Please work with your patient to set up phlebotomy services in these cases.
If you would like to handle phlebotomy in your office or with your preferred partner, you are welcome to take care of the blood draw.
Because we ship the kits back to our lab using FedEx Priority Overnight delivery, blood draws are done Monday – Thursday ONLY.
Kits have to be dropped off at FedEx no later than 3pm to ensure overnight delivery. Our phlebotomy partners handle the FedEx drop-off for the patients. If you are handling the blood draw, please adhere to these parameters or it’s possible the patient’s sample will not be viable.
If you are using our Doctor’s Orders, please note your patients must meet the following criteria to take the test:
1. Over 21 years of age
2. Over 90 pounds
3. In the last 90 days have not:
• Been pregnant
• Received cancer treatment
• Donated bone marrow
• Undergone surgery or experienced any traumatic injury
On occasion, samples we receive are not viable. We will notify you so that you can reach out to your patient to get them retested.
If this is a result of a FedEx error, an error made by one of our phlebotomy partners, or a Nano Cool failure, we will send a replacement kit free of charge. If the sample is not viable due to a handling, processing, or shipping error by your office (i.e., blood drawn and sent later than 3pm or over the weekend, failure to use Nano Cool, etc.), the replacement kit may be charged to your account. There placement kit fee is $250.
Results are typically available in 10-14 business days. They will be distributed per your requested method when you signed up. If your practice is receiving results via email, they will come from: Results are encrypted and require the patient’s DOB to access.
If a HIPAA form is required for you to receive your patient’s results, we will reach out to you in the event one was not received with their test kit.